Does Voice Search Really Have Any Impact on SEO? B2B Marketers Need to Know

Voice search is nowadays becoming the most commonly used tool for searching restaurants, cinemas, and many other important places. It delivers quick results and prevents you from spending your precious time typing texts for getting results. Voice search is mainly used in the context of local SEO, but it is also used for getting proper directions of your favourite picture halls or restaurants. It tends to be used for numerous purposes, and having influences on B2B decision-makers.

By observing, who uses voice search, why they use it, and also where they are using it, it is something that becomes quite clear that the impact of voice search on B2B is inevitable. People nowadays frequently adopt the new technology, so it is right for brands to start optimizing for voice search.

Who uses voice technology?

It has been observed that voice search is highly popular among kids than adults. There are many adults using it mainly to dictate certain texts, illustrating a great desire to avoid typing on certain small devices. There are many teens using it for getting help with your homework, demonstrating an early adoption of voice technology for a complete organic search.

Moreover, there are many people having a great propensity towards the adoption of a personal assistant device. People will certainly become fully accustomed when it comes to operating a new technology with the use of certain voice commands. This familiarity is something that can inevitably translate to your complete organic search, even in those of certain B2B markets, due to one common denominator in everyone’ reason to use voice technology.

Reasons for using voice search

The reason behind the continuous use of voice search is it is simple, fast and of course user-friendly. It is something that actually simplifies searching for those persons struggling to type on their small devices and it also helps searchers to avoid navigating confusing site menus. Besides, it is also quicker when comparing to searching with the use of texts, guided by fully improved accuracy in the technology.

It goes without saying that voice search offers a fully new experience to users, especially on certain mobile devices. Provided that 90% of executives use mobile devices mainly to conduct research before they make a purchase, it is certainly not stringent to imagine that those executives will transition to voice search. Not to mention, the next generation B2B buyers who are growing up continuously with technology as second nature.

Moreover, if the most popular reason for using voice search is occupied vision or hand, then it could be easily assumed that people use frequently voice search in their cars and kitchens. But, there are several other important places where they use voice search as well. And while the majority of people are uncomfortable when it comes to using voice search in individuals, the public in the highest income bracket is.

Here is what you are aware of

  • There is a number of executives using mobile devices mainly to research some buying decisions.
  • People already use voice search in the office.
  • There are many individuals using voice search in the office.
  • Those individuals earning executive levels are fully comfortable using voice search, even in situations where others may not.

Way of preparing for B2B voice search

Some people predict that nearly half the percentage of total searches will be performed through voice search in the next 3 to 4 years. Google also revealed that 20% of its mobile queries are also performed through voice searches.

In order to prepare for voice search on B2B SEO, many marketers should take certain important steps to start optimizing for certain voice queries. Besides, there are also some major ways of optimizing your site content for voice search.

Here are some simple ways of preparing for B2B voice search

Focusing on mobile – Certain voice searches are likely to be conducted on mobiles so mobile optimization is said to be more important than ever. But, optimizing for mobile is something that generally goes beyond a convenient responsive design and you will definitely need to enhance your page load speed, remove certain interstitials for enhancing mobile user experience.

Always focus on and target long-tail keywords – There are several voice search queries that tend to be more likely to be longer than their text counterparts, and also usefully conversational language. Besides, you should also find certain appropriate long-tail keywords and also target them in your site content for catering to certain natural language queries.

Target featured snippets – With a fully-featured snippet that is certainly populated for an important query, voice search devices generally read the snipped and also source aloud. This is said to be a great boost for brand recognition and also a complete authority, which the search engine optimization generally declares one organization the expert.

B2B SEO and voice search

As mentioned above, voice search is used by a large number of people to a greater extent, in offices, cars or other places. And also growing use of these personal assistant devices generally combined with the fully improved accuracy of voice recognition technology, generally continue to drive voice search adoption through the end of the decade. Moreover, B2B brands are certainly never exempt from the impact of voice search on user’s behaviour and also these service providers should never take time to start focusing on voice search optimization.


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